Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer time visitors!

We were lucky to be able to have Grandma Lyman, Kelli, and Dylan 
come to visit this summer. We packed a lot of fun activities into a short time.
The first day that they were here, the kids woke up early. We started the day with a visit to the dairy. Always a hit with the kids. Plus they got ice cream at like 8:30 in the morning :)
Mason had a T-ball game at 12:00 so the kids all wore their orange shirts!

 The animals are always a big hit with the kids.
 Maddox is a huge animal lover! He kept letting the sheep and
goats lick his fingers. Gross.
 After the dairy, we made a stop at the the greenbelt and the falls.
The kids always love chasing the ducks and watching the waterfalls.

 After the falls, we went to ijump. The kids had way too much fun. Even Maddox was jumping around and throwing balls all over.
After the fun at ijump, then we went to Mason's T-ball game! Yes, we did all of that other stuff before noon! After the game all the adults were exhausted. We went home and Kelli watched the kids (hopefully the 2 little ones slept for a while) and I went 
to work for 4 hours. 
Lots more fun over the next couple days coming up!

Friday, June 20, 2014


The weekend after school got out, Mason started T-Ball. He plays on a team with a few kids from our ward. This is the first sport that Mason has really been excited to play. He has really gotten into it and he was done really well with learning how to play.

 The first game there was a lot of sand playing, but that hasn't happened since then.
Mason has really grasped the concepts and he is really good at catching the ball and tagging the player or tagging the base. 
Morgan kept taking Mason's t shirt out of his laundry and trying to wear it. She was so upset that she didn't have a "t-ball" shirt. I found a plain orange t-shirt at Wal-mart for $2 so she now has her own "t-ball" shirt. She wears it to every game.
Team Picture