Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July

We had a fun Fourth of July weekend. Mona-Kay, Spencer, and their kids came to Vegas, which is always fun. Friday night we met them over and Grandma & Grandpa's to let the kids play. Mason always has so much fun at Papa's. On Saturday, Mona & Spencer brought the kids over and we went to the park. Lucky for us, they were giving away free popsicles at the park. :)
They kept telling us to come back for more so Brad ended up getting a whole box to bring home. All the kids enjoyed their popsicles. I didn't get any pictures but Mona got some good ones so check out her blog.

On the Fourth we didn't get out of church until 5:00. Luckily it doesn't get dark until later in the summer. We headed over to Grandma & Grandpa Fabbi's house for some family fun.

Mason loves the backyard and can spend forever back there. Gavin and Mason had some fun playing together in the dirt.
Gavin and Mason took turns pouring dirt on each other's heads...Silly boys, but they had a blast!
All of the great-grandkids watching the fireworks.
Grandpa and Kent had some little truck shaped fireworks and everytime that they went off Mason would go, "Oh no, truck!"
He was very concerned about the safety of the cars :)
We took the opportunity to take a picture of all the Fabbi cousins that were there.
Once it got a little darker we did some more fireworks.
Mason liked doing the sparklers all by himself.

Grandpa Fabbi made all of the kids "fireworks" with their names on it. He sure does spoil these kids.
Mason loves his firework and wouldn't let go of it for the rest of the night.
After we finished fireworks at the Fabbi's, we headed over to the Lyman's for a few more. Mason was so tired, he just wanted to lay on the blanket and watch the fireworks. I can never turn down and opportunity to snuggle him because he won't let me very often.
Dylan and Mason...I think Mason got the better position in this picture :)
We had a fun Fourth of July. We love to spend time with family and we are so grateful to live in America!

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