Monday, May 12, 2014

Easter 2014

 We started off our Easter celebration by coloring eggs.
Always a fun activity but soo messy with all the kids.
Morgan just likes to be naked so that's why she doesn't have a shirt on.
 Luckily Maddox was pretty happy to sit in his chair and watch.

 On Saturday we went to a couple Easter egg hunts. First, we went to the one in Iona. This one was really good. They separated the kids by ages. Mason was old enough this year to understand and really get into it.
 He got quite a few eggs.
 Brad took Morgan to her age group. She got a few eggs too with Brad's help.

 Then we went to an egg hunt at our church. I like this one because they put out thousands of empty eggs and then the kids trade in their eggs for a treat bag. Maddox slept through this egg hunt.
On Saturday afternoon, the kids planted some jelly beans.
Here is Mason with his 3 jelly beans. 
 Morgan had to keep getting new jelly beans because she kept eating them.
 Maddox snatched a couple jelly beans and ate them too.

 They all eventually ended up with planted jelly beans.
 Before the kids went to bed, they checked on their plants...They had already sprouted up some lollipop sticks...
 This is what the jelly beans had grown into the next morning.
 The kids were really excited to see their baskets. Mason and Morgan both got a scooter. Those scooters have been ridden a ton in the past few weeks.
 Maddox got some snacks and chalk and bubbles.
 The kids also got some hula hoops.
 The kids all got new Easter outfits. I was able to get a couple nice pictures of the kids.
 I absolutely love Morgan's dress. Once I saw it, I knew she needed pearls. I found some super chunky pearls that I knew she just HAD to have.
 Maddox was so mad that I made him sit on the grass.
 And finally, for your viewing pleasure...enjoy my many attempts at trying to take a picture of the kids...Seriously, I don't know why I even try any more...

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