Friday, October 15, 2010

Random Pictures

We have had lots of fun the past couple months!
We have gone to the park with Mason's favorite friend Kenadie.
He talks about her everyday :)

He was a lucky boy to ride in the car at the grocery store. Only because Dad was with us.
I don't let Mason ride in there. Mean mom...
We had a visit from Grandma, Grandpa, Rachel, and Cami.
Mason also talks about Grandpa daily.
We spent some time at Grandpa Great's house. Mason loves to spend time in
his backyard. There is always carrots to pick, animals to feed, and dirt to dig in. Little boy heaven!
Mason has a new obsession with tunnels. He is lucky to have Aunt Kristin to play tunnels with him. Mom doesn't have the patience to build the tunnel every 30 seconds after it gets knocked down.


  1. Too cute! I don't let my kids ride in the cars at the grocery store either. I'm mean too.

  2. Oh my gosh, we have this video on our camera of Ella filming in one of those car carts...she got my camera out of my purse and took video riding around the's our favorite, she was only like 2 years old I think!

    Cute pictures. I love the one of Grandpa and him on the couch.
