Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mason and his collections

Mason has recently had an obsession with making "collections" of things. He will line up all his toy cars or dinosaurs, etc and call it his collection. However, he doesn't completely understand what a collection is. Some of my favorite "collections" of his are pretty funny.
- One day we were driving in the car and he holds up his right hand and says "mom, this is my right hand. This is my left hand. This is my left foot. This is my right foot. That's my collection, mom."
- In the bathroom he unrolled the toilet paper and when I walked in there, he points to this big pile of toilet paper and says, "Look at my collection, mom."
- Mason will walk around with handfuls of little bits of paper and call it his trash collection.
- OK, this collection is the grossest of all. We have been finding some little carpet beetles around our house and had it sprayed so we were finding them dead all over the place. One day I was walking up the stairs behind Mason and he saw a little dead bug on the stairs. He picked it up, walked up the stairs, went to a corner of the baseboard and pulled off the piece of wood and dropped the bug in there. I followed him and he points in there and there is about 30 little bugs and he goes "This is my bug collection."I was so disgusted but kinda thought it was funny that he had been collecting them behind the baseboard without us noticing.

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